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Every so often a character surfaces that seems to touch the hearts of viewers, as mush as Charlie Chaplin and Red Skelton made their audiences love them, to Frankie Pace the world is not only a stage… it’s a playground.  It is rare that a comedian has this much fun making others have fun!  Frankie Pace’s humor tends to be silly, but it’s infectious, reflecting his enjoyment of his comedic art.  He’s relaxed and works the crowd with confidence.  His haphazard approach is refreshing and it accentuates both his simple gaga and friendly personality.

To attempt to define him is disastrous.  Frankie Pace, a former plumber who plunged into show biz as a stand up comic, say’s “I used to do jokes and characters on the job to make the guys laugh.”  He traded in his monkey wrenches and pipe cutters for a bag of tricks!  Or in Frankie’s case, literally a suitcase full of props…

A stand-up comic, he is the direct antithesis of everything a stand-up comic is supposed to be.  We can label him as an impressionist, but that’s too easy.  He does impressions of people and things no one in his right mind would think of doing.  Who goes around imitating a CB radio channel, a lawn sprinkler, of the first astronaut to sneeze during a space walk?  At on point Pace suddenly and mysterious begins to radiate a whiff of Chaplin.  He is sad and we are laughing with tears in our eyes, identifying with

every one of his characters and reveling in the total enjoyment of his set.  Frankie Pace is…good news…good people…good times.

Frankie Pace

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